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This is What I’m Going to Do Today in Response to the Supreme Court Ruling

Blogger Kristen Welch wrote on Sunday that she was saddened by Friday’s Supreme Court ruling – just like most of the evangelical community. She admits being discouraged by the vitriol on both sides of the issue, and because the courts of this country seem to be swayed by cultural shifts. In the midst of the public emotion and arguments, however, her focus is a little different.
“I’m convinced that God’s love for mankind cannot be limited or defined by our culture and we will continue to look for ways to love people,” she writes. “This decision may change Christianity in America. But I believe it needs to change.”
She goes on:
We are too comfortable in our easy faith.
We are too concerned about our neighbor’s sin when our own is glaring.
We need less comfort and more concern for others.
We need to spend less and give more.
We need to cling to the Cross instead of fear.
We need less of us, more of Him.
You see, she writes, overruling gay marriage bans was hardly the only thing that happened on Friday, June 26, 2015.
Children lost parents, little girls were raped, men were beheaded, the poor faced another hungry night, women faced unspeakable oppression and innocent blood ran in the streets, while racial hate crimes and tension continue to divide our country. We might have paused to read a headline or shuddered at the atrocities our neighbors are facing, and then gone about our normal life.  I’m convinced if Christians spent half as much time praying for those suffering as we do arguing with those we don’t agree with, the Church would be stronger and our world would be a different place.
So what has she decided to do today? To spend less time arguing, and more time on living the Great Commission. And one small way she plans to do that is by supporting a group of Indian women, rescued from a brothel, who have opened a jewelry store to find meaningful work, restore hope, and provide sustainable income.
In times of fear, anxiety, or confusion, Christians can still find meaning in doing God’s work. Crosswalk author Joy Allmond reminds us that even something as simple as tipping generously can help spread the Gospel in an incredibly meaningful way.
As God's people, everything we do should be an attempt to imitate God's character and to display His glory. God is the ultimate Giver. So we, in turn, should not withhold a good thing--in this case, compensation--from those who serve us in restaurants.
We can pursue relationship with each other in supportive, meaningful ways, as Debbie McDaniel encourages in her article How to Make Life Better for Your Fellow Moms. 
Your time is too precious to be draining your energy on endless debates and mindless chatter. Choose instead to lovingly share what [God] has to say to another mom who may need to hear hope whispered her way. Those are the words that remain. Those are the words that inspire.
And we can take small steps, every day, to grow closer to God, as described by John Barnett in 8 Habits of a Healthy Spiritual Life and Stephen Altrogge in 6 Ways to Kickstart Your Devotional Life.
Has the Supreme Court ruling thrown a wrench in your thought life, social life, or prayer life? What steps can you take to live out the Great Commission, even in the midst of distressing circumstances? Share your thoughts below!
Debbie Holloway is the Family Life Editor at
Publication date: July 1, 2015