Everett Piper Christian Blog and Commentary



Note: To listen to this blog on KWON or KYFM radio go to http://www.bartlesvilleradio.com/caffeine/uploads/files/ON%20Demand/Ideas%20Matter/Ideas%20Matter%203-18.mp3 .  To get Dr. Piper’s book Why I Am a “Liberal” and Other Conservative Ideas go to www.whyiamaliberal.com or www.okwu.edu .


Economist Walter E. Williams recently said this:

“Contrast the framers' vision of a republic with that of a democracy. Webster defines a democracy as “government by the people; especially: rule of the majority.” In a democracy, the majority rules...[and] the law is whatever [popular power] determines it to be. Laws do not represent reason. They represent force. The restraint is upon the individual instead of government. Unlike that envisioned under a republican form of government, rights are seen as privileges and permissions that are granted by government and can be rescinded by government.

To highlight the offensiveness to liberty that democracy and majority rule is, just ask yourself how many decisions in your life would you like to be made democratically. How about what car you drive, where you live, whom you marry, whether you have turkey or ham for Thanksgiving dinner? If those decisions were made through a democratic process, the average person would see it as tyranny and not personal liberty. Is it no less tyranny for the democratic process to determine whether you purchase health insurance or set aside money for retirement? Both for ourselves, and our fellow man around the globe, we should be advocating liberty, not the democracy that we've become where a roguish Congress does anything upon which they can muster a majority vote.”


We would do very well to listen to this man. As we watch a White House and roguish Congress tell us everything from what kind of insurance we should buy to what kind of food we should eat to what kind of “marriages” we must honor to what kind of laws those in power can choose to rescind, we all should wake up and listen. The rogues are storming the citadel and freedom is at stake.