John Shore Christian Blog and Commentary

My (Real) End of the World Letter

My guess and hope is that you are all with your loved ones right now.

Are some of you not, though?

Is someone out there actually reading this?

Do you, my reader,  just now have no one to love and hold? No one to caress, to pet, to tell them how much you love them, and what a joy to you they have always been? How much better your life has been because of them?

Is there no one to hold you, and pet you, and say those things to you?

So that now you’ve gone online, reaching out through cyberspace for a hand to hold, a heart to touch?

Well, I’m glad you are! Because I am here, too!

I love you. And I mean it. Writing the truth as I understand it has been the goal and purpose of my whole stupid life. If no one reads what I write, my life would have a whole lot less meaning.

So thank you. Thank you. If I were there with you, I would hug and kiss you, and tell you how much you mean to me.

So here we are!

And soon, here we will not be.

Well. No real surprise there, right?

Who lives not knowing death is right beside them, ever and eagerly anticipating the moment it slips in to take their place?

And now we’re all going to die at once.

How weird is that?

Probably good if you’re a cockroach.

Probably great if you're a cockroach!

So God doesn’t love us best of all.

Or maybe he does, and wants to be with us now, all at once.

Go now, friend, and be with someone. Anyone. Stop the first person you see, and tell them (if you are) that you’re alone. Knock on a stranger’s door; tell them you’re alone. Stand on a street corner, and cry out that you’re alone.

You won’t be for long.

We are all together now.

Someone will open their arms to you. You will be loved.

You are loved. I have loved you. I do love you. You saved me, just now. You are saving me, right now.

God awaits us!

Let’s not let him find any of us alone.


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