John Shore Christian Blog and Commentary

Pink! God Is Outraged!

The picture above is of what you see when, in our new home, you're walking up the first set of stairs from our living room.

That's right. It's pink. That's the way we wanted it---and by Gumby, that's the way our extremely intense Korean house painter, Eun Koo Kang, painted it. (I took this picture right after it was painted, to show my wife that day at lunch. You see the painting tarp there.)

Eun Koo, as it turned out, is a Seriously Devout Christian---which means, for instance, that he isn't free to work Sundays, since he spends literally all day at church. Commendable man of faith! It was my estimation of Eun Koo Kang that he also comes fully charged with about all of the testosterone a man can regularly process before he begins to actually grow hair on his internal organs. And while he did an admirable job of hiding his consternation at how willing we were to paint a perfectly good wall pink, he fell just short of displaying true equanimity.

Ever since I've been wondering what, exactly, Eun Koo thought as he applied the first stroke of pink upon the wall that only moments before he had with rather arresting vigor encouraged us to paint, "Any color not crazy."

I figure that what went through Eun Koo's mind as he lifted his glowing brush from the paint can was one or some combination of the following:

1. What's wrong with eggshell?

2. I miss Korea. We're such a sane people.

3. Why does the man allow his wife to tell him what color to paint the walls?

4. Why not just ask me to wear a skirt  while I'm painting?

5. They will never know that beneath this paint lies the Korean characters for "God Is Outraged!"

6. This actually looks kind of nice. I was wrong to show my condemnation. Humility is the key to grace. I must remember.

7. It's their money.

8. The husband does have an engagingly animated, very expressive, almost manically creative way about him. Maybe he's fegulah.


Comment/ be surprised by the interest people show in what color other people paint their walls here.