David Burchett Christian Blog and Commentary

A Whitman's Sampler of blogs

The greatness of the Whitman Sampler was the unknown. You could select a delicious morsel. Or you could get the dreaded raspberry nougat. That was the gastronomic adventure of the sampler. So I decided to select a sampler of the blogs that the highest number of folks thought were tasty (or at least worth trying). 

What follows is posts that were most read in the first nine months of this blog. Then I would like to offer a couple of personal favorites that did not make the cut. Because I am trying honesty as an experiment at this site I will tell you that I eliminated the actual number one post in the rankings. That article involved an airplane and famous pastor's wife. I am tired of the story and the sad level of discourse about it. So, in the immortal paraphrased words of Lesley Gore  and sung to the tune of “It's My Party” please sing along...

 “It's my blog and I can delete if I want to, delete if I want to, delete if I want to...you'd de-lete too if these 'saints' emailed you.“

So with that little disclaimer here is number 10 on the Bad Christian Countdown. Feel free to click on any that interest you.

10)    It's not easy being green and Evangelical - A surprise top ten finisher. The topic of stewardship of our planet is a fascinating one and this was my take on the debate. This blog also featured one of the worst puns of my writing career. I am not proud of that...it is just a fact.

9)     You have been warned! - This was the story of the “controversy” surrounding singer Chris Rice and his song Cartoons. My frustration with humorless religious folk prompted me to post a warning label on this one.

Warning: The following post may contain humor. This blog was produced in a program where irony and satire are processed. May contain sarcasm fragments.

8)     Forgive - I don't wanna! - This one generated a lot of response. Our biblical responsibility to forgive is not an easy concept for most of us. But I have not found a loophole in our salvation contract.

7)    How to be a Good Cancer Buddy - The first article in the top ten that relates to our shared journey with Joni's breast cancer diagnosis. Some times we just don't know how to relate to friends and family when they are going through a trial. This post offers some insights that Joni and I learned.

6)     Is Manliness Endangered? -  The title is self-explanatory.

5)     Enroll Now in the Canine School of Evangelism - I have to admit that I love this one making the cut. This is my fanciful look at what we could learn about evangelism from our furry friends.

4)     Sentences that change your life - Our lives can change in a heartbeat. This was written right after Joni called me with the diagnosis of her cancer.

3)     Time to post and run - I wrote this article about personal responsibility and victimhood with fear and trembling. That is why I hit the post and publish icon and then went into hiding.

2)     Won the battle...losing the war? - This article dealt with the effects of the backlash against the actor chosen to play the lead role in the movie End of the Spear. If we could love and disciple as well as we can argue and boycott this world would be in revival.

1)    A Gentle Proposal to deal with Chad Allen, End of the Spear, Every Tribe Entertainment and One Another - The number one post (other than my disqualified contender) was my thoughts on how to deal with the controversy surrounding the movie End of the Spear.

There you have it. The top 10 by your cyber votes. I am suggesting three personal favorites that did not make this list.

Bald and Beautiful - Part 1 - My thoughts on my bride losing her hair to chemotherapy.
My Nominations for Persons of the Year - Two amazing families that demonstrate amazing grace and strength in times of trial. They became my examples for our trial that was just weeks away.
What Would Jesus Say? - What God is teaching me about my responsibility as a follower of Christ.

Thanks to those of you who regularly suffer through these ramblings. I am blessed by your comments and encouragement.