Jim Liebelt Christian Blog and Commentary

HPV Vaccines Don't Encourage Sexual Activity

A new study from the journal Pediatrics supports what many clinicians have been saying for years: preteens who receive the Gardasil vaccine — recommended to safeguard against the human papillomavirus— aren’t more likely to become sexually active or pregnant, or contract a sexually transmitted infection. The study found that only eight girls, less than one percent, were diagnosed with an STI or became pregnant. Girls who received the HPV vaccine did not have a statistically higher rate of testing, diagnosis, or counseling compared to those who did not receive the vaccine.

The study which was based on an independent research project, which was funded by Kaiser Permanente and Emory University, examined the medical records of 1,398 girls.

Since Gardasil first hit the market in 2006, more parents have become receptive to the idea of vaccinating their child against the sexually transmitted disease, human papillomavirus (HPV), that’s a known cause genital warts and cervical cancer. Today it’s a standard prophylactic treatment for teen girls, given along with several vaccines that protect against other infections such as meningitis and tetanus protesi.

Source: Everyday Health