Dr. Warren Throckmorton Christian Blog and Commentary

NARTH Conference opens today in Denver, CO

Amidst the inevitable protests, the annual conference of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality opens today in Denver, CO with the theme, “Sound Scientific Research: In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” For NARTH, this would be a worthy objective.

Given the theme, one would expect a program with research presentations which support their neo-Freudian theoretical positions. Not so. A review of the program reveals no such sessions. NARTH’s approach to research is on display with their new “fact sheet’ on female homosexuality. My review of it is here and here. One needs to take some time to read their article and my responses to fully comprehend the problems with the NARTH paper. Essentially, the paper takes research results, uses them out of context to make a case for a theory which locates homosexual attractions in faulty parent-child relationships before age 5. Rather than face head on the growing body of research which is contradictory and complex but does demonstrate biological differences between those who are predominately same and other sex attracted, the NARTH approach is to discount or ignore that data.

Those looking for actual research regarding homosexuality would do well to consult primary sources among researchers. Those looking for an evangelical approach to matters of sexual identity can seek assistance from the Institute for the Study of Sexual Identity.