Mark Daniels Christian Blog and Commentary


The moment occurred at about the 1 hour and 50 minute mark of my daughter’s 10th birthday party. Though she couldn’t communicate it, I understood exactly what she was feeling as she climbed under a table alone…to cry.

Is this all there is?

After literally years of buildup, her much-anticipated double-digit celebration was nearly over, and apparently it just wasn’t all Jessi had hoped it would be. Exactly what it was she expected, she’s not sure…but surely, it was something more than that

*My deliverer is coming…

Fast-forward to Christmas, and my daughter’s middle-aged daddy is having the same experience, but in reverse. The big holiday is coming, but I’m dreading it…because I’m no longer kidding myself…I know it’ll never be what I hope it will be, so I often don’t even bother with the delusion anymore. 

*My deliverer is standing by…

Of course, my daughter and I are both disappointed, because we’re both hoping for the wrong things, rather than recognizing what we already have. Jessica anticipated the gifts, and the attention of a birthday party; I am expecting the enduring promise of Christmas to be delivered for my complete enjoyment here, rather than in heaven.

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for; the conviction of things unseen. Heb. 11:1 (ESV)

As my beautiful daughter (typecast as an angel in the church Christmas play) sings the final song…it really hits home. Rich Mullins’ “My Deliverer” transports the listener to hear the songs of slave children in
Egypt; their hopes the same as those of the Hebrew children of occupied Judea, on the day Jesus was born. And that hope should echo the heart cry of we Christians today…living as sojourners in a world that’s not our own…eagerly awaiting the return of our master and King.

*My deliverer is coming…my deliverer is standing by…

The promise of Christmas is for now, but for tomorrow as well.+ For, we cannot truly celebrate His coming, without also eagerly anticipating His return.

1998 - Liturgy Legacy Music / Word Music / ASCAP / White Plastic Bag Music / SESAC 
+ 2 Corinthians 1:10