Mark Daniels Christian Blog and Commentary

The National Day of Prayer

Father in heaven, we love You, we thank You, and we praise You. For You are the only standard for that which is lovely...that which is holy...that which is just, and pure. For that which is excellent, and worthy of praise. And in Your Word, You command that we are to think of these things.


Instead, we are lovers of self...lovers of money...proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to our parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure, rather than lovers of God. And what is worse...these are the very qualities we lift high and celebrate with so many of our films, our television and radio broadcasts, our magazines, and our newspapers.


Father, we cannot deny the powerful influence of the media on our lives. But we also cannot forget the powerful influence we can--and must--have on the media. What our enemy intends for harm, You can use--and have used--and will use, for good. So I thank You for the privilege of changing minds and hearts through Your Word, and Your Gospel, clearly communicated each day through stations like the ones I have the privilege to serve.


And Lord, we pray not for censorship today, for that is only treating the symptoms of the disease. Instead, we pray for a revival in the lives and hearts of those who create, produce, and distribute that which we watch, listen to, and read. Use us to reach those who would distribute lies and distortions, and would give honor to sinful behavior through their news, information, and entertainment. We pray that they might know, instead,  the Truth that makes men free. Revive a desire in the hearts of my fellow broadcasters, moviemakers, publishers, and others not just to shock, titillate, sell, and win...but to uplift, to honor, to inspire, and to educate. Create in us a desire to live exemplary be leaders in our homes, our workplaces, and our be change agents for good, instead of mere merchants of evil.       


And above all--help us, Father God, put media in its rightful place in our own lives. Help us keep You, Your Word, and Your will first and foremost...that we may, as Paul instructed young Timothy, guard the deposit entrusted to us, and avoid the irreverent babble and contradictions of what is falsely called "knowledge," for by professing it, many have swerved from the faith. And may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all...Amen.