Mike Pohlman Christian Blog and Commentary

The Gospel According to Mac?

  • Mike Pohlman's Blog
  • Updated Aug 26, 2009

Have you ever run into an apologist for Mac computers? Perhaps you are one. Yesterday I was forced to endure a fellow customer at our local Apple Store make his case for why Macs are better than PCs. And he was blood-earnest in his argument.

I was struck by his passion. Embarrassed for him in his tone. And amazed that he had no inhibition in grabbing hold of my attention and not letting go-until I politely yet firmly said "good-bye."

Let me say that I love my MacBook Pro. I have no desire to go back to the days of Dell. But watching and listening to this young man's evangelistic appeal for the supremacy of Mac brought one overwhelming phrase to mind: Misplaced passion.

I left the store wishing this man was half as excited for and eager to proclaim the Gospel. He was "sold out" for Mac, but I wondered if he had any ounce of affection for Christ.

As I walked to my car with my new Blue Snowball microphone in hand, I began to consider my own level of passion for the Lord. A Mac enthusiast shouldn't out zeal me. Am I as moved by the Gospel-and the God who comes to me in that Gospel-as this man was by a particular technology brand?

Thankfully, yes. And I pray to be even more so. As I drove away I prayed for the Mac man. And I reminded myself anew of the Christian's calling-a calling not for the passive or laconic person: "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."