Stephen McGarvey Christian Blog and Commentary

Headed to Canaan’s Land

Do you remember that song?  

I’m going where the grapes are growin’
I’m going where the rivers are flowin’
I’m going, yes I’m going to Canaan’s land
It’s really grand....

If you grew up in the 80’s in the Christian sub-culture, your parents might have had that album too. I don’t remember who was singing it or even what the album cover looked like. I just remember it was sung earnestly by a small child. At the time I assumed they were talking about Israel or the Holy Land but now I wonder if the song refers not to the Israelites escaping Egypt into the land of milk and honey, but to heaven.  (Anyone with a better memory of the song than mine, please feel free to post below.)

But now for the first time in my life I am headed to Israel. Thanks to the Israeli Ministry of Tourism, I am joining about 15 other American journalists who write for Christian publications and websites for a tour of the Holy Land. Of course, exploring the land where my faith was born is an exciting venture. Before now I’ve never had the opportunity.  

So over the days that follow I will be posting reports on my travels around Israel. Tel Aviv, Tiberius, Jerusalem, the Dead Sea… it seems like a lot of ground to cover in 7 days. Stay tuned for more reports and photos (if this tech-challenged writer can actually work the camera and get the pics posted).

For more information about touring Israel click the link below: