Girlfriends in God Daily Devotional for Women

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The Master Planner - Girlfriends in God - July 9, 2018

July 9, 2018
The Master Planner
 Arlene Pellicane

Today’s Truth

From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said, that I will bring about; what I have planned, that I will do (Isaiah 46:11, NIV).

Friend to Friend

It all started with an advertisement for piano lessons.

My husband James, who was a little rusty on the piano, needed some help to play a song at a friend’s wedding. He grabbed the community flyer and made an appointment for his first lesson. The piano teacher was a bit surprised since usually her students were kids. She decided to schedule the lesson when her husband could be home. After all, she didn’t know if my James was a nice man or a crazy person!

James not only received excellent piano instruction, he became friends with the instructor Claire and her husband. Since our children are the same ages, we all became fast friends. Piano lessons turned into meals together, kids’ birthday parties, and family bike rides. Together Claire and I have watched our kids grow out of diapers and walk into middle school. I invited Claire to church and her family has been attending for years. And when school is in session, Claire and I pray together with a group of moms for our kids and their schools.

Who knows if Claire and I would have ever met if it wasn’t for that first piano lesson? What if James’ friend hadn’t asked him to play the piano at the wedding? James would have never picked up Claire’s advertisement in the first place.

Friend, God is in the details. He is the master planner. He can even move through piano lesson signs! He can move through who is sitting next to you on the train. He can move through who your kids or grandkids go to school with. He is working to fulfill His purpose and plan in the world and for your life.

Just recently, Claire and our Moms in Prayer group read our key verse together: “From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose.” The proceeding verse Isaiah 46:10 says, “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’”

The phrase “make known the end from the beginning” speaks of the omniscience of God which means He is all-knowing. He knows the whole story of your life, even before it happens. God alone can declare how history will end because He is in charge, actively intervening to accomplish His plan for the nations and for His people.

God is in control of your life. Nothing is too big or too small for Him. If He can summon a bird of prey, He can order the details of your life too. He will provide everything you need – whether it’s a good friend, financial help, physical health, or even a piano lesson.

Let’s Pray

Dear Lord, thank You that Your purpose stands. You are in control. No power of hell can defeat You. Your counsel stands forever, the plans of Your heart to all generations. Direct my steps today and use me to bring You glory in this world.

In Jesus’ Name,


Now It’s Your Turn

Think of a good friend in your life. How did you meet? Reflect on how God ordered your steps and friendship, thanking Him for that precious connection.

Could you use a good friend right now? Ask God to send you someone – even from a faraway place – to strengthen your life through godly friendship.

More from the Girlfriends

God is in control in your child’s life too! Arlene’s new book Parents Rising: 8 Strategies for Raising Kids Who Love God, Respect Authority, and Value What’s Right will help you become a more effective and loving leader in your home. 

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