<< Today's Devotionals

In Touch - March 28, 2007

In Touch Daily Devotional
by Dr. Charles Stanley

March 28, 2007 – Our Struggle with Jealousy 1 Samuel 18:5-16  

            Welcome to the In Touch Devotional.

            Jealousy is displeasure over someone else’s good fortune. Unchecked, it influences our attitudes, conversations, and actions. It eventually damages relationships and inflicts great pain on others.

            King Saul’s jealousy caused him to distrust David, the young warrior who had served him by defeating Goliath. David loved the king and risked his life to help the kingdom. But envy clouded Saul’s judgment. Bitterness and hostility combined with Saul’s already suspicious attitude and confused mind. And that led to irrational behavior. As David played music for him, the king went into a rant and hurled a spear at the young man (1 Samuel 18:11). He later removed David from his presence, sending his loyal servant to the battlefield. David’s faithful service was “rewarded” with the king’s hatred, a severed relationship, and death threats. As a result, David was forced to flee.

            Our minds, like Saul’s, will tend to dwell on a person or situation we envy. Fueled by jealousy, our suspicion, confusion, bitterness, and hostility will grow stronger. Fear and resentment complete the picture of jealousy. We’re afraid we’ll fail to achieve the wealth, career status, or privileges of someone else. We may even resent that person’s accomplishments. In time, we may look for reasons to avoid being around that individual, eventually choosing to break off the relationship entirely.

            Examine your heart before the Lord. Are any of these feelings true in your life?



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