Christian Financial Advice and Biblical Stewardship

Beat The Job-Loss Blues

  • Dan Miller
  • Published Dec 27, 2005
Beat The Job-Loss Blues

We can’t control circumstances, but we can control our responses!

No matter how it happens, a job loss is painful. Maybe you were caught up in a corporate downsizing, and it’s nothing personal. Maybe it was personal; your boss was an insensitive jerk who didn’t recognize your talent. Either way, it’s easy to start questioning your self-worth at such a time. You may wonder if you’ll end up homeless, never to contribute in a meaningful way to civilization again. In 30 days, your savings will be depleted. Are your old office workers laughing behind your back? Are your neighbors looking at "the loser" when they see you at home on a weekday?

Well, don’t get caught up in the negatives. This will only sabotage your immediate future. Here are some tips for moving forward:

• Release Your Anger. It’s OK to be angry at the unfairness of the boss, the company or the world. But don’t stay there. While you may have been treated unfairly, sharing that will only make potential new employers uneasy and prevent them from wanting you on their team.

• Evaluate Your Life. Take advantage of these transitions to take a fresh look at your life. What is unique about you? How important is time flexibility? What income do you want? See this as a time to move up and forward; not down.

• Network Constantly. Start each day with an action plan. Get out there and meet people. Talk to anyone you can who might offer suggestions on how to improve your job search. Don’t be embarrassed to let people know you are looking for work. You are selling a product, and that product is YOU.

• Don’t Make Excuses. You are not too old, too short or missing a degree. Excuses tend to become self-fulfilling after a while, and mentally you can become your own worst enemy in the job-search process.

• Stay Balanced. Our successes tends to spiral up or down together. Career success leads to financial success, more social and family success, etc. The opposite is also true. Don’t allow a job loss to turn you into a couch potato. Stay sharp physically and mentally. Keep developing your important relationships.

From the Bible:

"Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely, and dwell on the fine, good things in others. Think about all you can praise God for and be glad about that." Philippians 4: 8

Direction for Today:

What is one thing you can do in each of these five areas listed above…today?


  Dan Miller is President of The Business Source, founder of "48 Days" and author of 48 Days To The Work You Love and 48 Days To Creative Income. He is the growing authority for creating effective life plans that are achieved by integrating natural gifts, unique personality traits and one's own values and passions. His unique clarification of how God gifts us will introduce you to a new sense of freedom and fulfillment of your life's calling. For more information, visit