Finance Tip of the Day

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Foolish or Wise Manager – Which One Am I?

  • Published Apr 18, 2018
Foolish or Wise Manager – Which One Am I?


Foolish or Wise Manager – Which One Am I?

Do you ever wander if God is at all interested in our spending habits? Why would He care how we use our money, as long as we honor Him through giving?

There is just one thing wrong with this line of thinking, and God’s word makes it clear to us in >1 Chronicles 29:11“Everything in the heavens and earth is yours, O Lord, and this is your kingdom…Riches and honor come from you alone…”

Everything…that one word leaves no room for discussion.

There is nothing we have that we have not received from Him. And when we received it, it was not for the purpose of ownership, but for the purpose of managing it on His behalf. So how are we doing as God’s estate managers? Would our master be proud of the way we are sharing, spending, and investing His resources?

Overspending has become a disease. Coveting, greed, constant discontentment with what we have is driving many of us to foolish spending decision. And those decision, when allowed to go on for a season will become foolish spending habits.

But there is great hope for those of us who qualify for the “foolish manager” category. God’s mercies are new every morning! We can, one step, once spending decision at a time, start honoring our maker and provider.

Today's tip brought to you by Mvelopes and Money4Life Coaching.