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The First National "Day Of Purity"

  • Mathew D. Staver, Esq. Liberty Counsel
  • Published Jan 13, 2004
The First National "Day Of Purity"

ORLANDO, FL – Liberty Counsel is pleased to announce a new national project called "The Day of Purity."  On February 13, 2004 those students across the country who strive for sexual purity will have an opportunity to let their voices be heard in opposition to a culture of moral decline.  They will be encouraged to distribute flyers explaining the Day of Purity, to sponsor "pure" alternative activities for Valentine’s Day and to wear specially designed t-shirts proclaiming the message of Purity in Mind and Actions.

Mathew Staver, President of Liberty Counsel explained that

"The need for the Day of Purity is obvious: traditional marriage and sexual purity are under attack in America.  In today’s culture, youth are bombarded with the message of sexual promiscuity.  Students are encouraged to become sexually active at a young age and even to experiment with their sexual preferences.  Easy access to pornography brings graphic displays of promiscuity to everyone’s desk top.

The Day of Purity is an opportunity for students to show America that they are willing to take a stand for sexual purity and traditional marriage. Countless millions of Americans yearn for a culture that encourages sexual purity and traditional marriage.  America may be morally challenged, but the level of depravity as portrayed in the media and dictated by judges who have turned from the moral traditions of our country is not an accurate reflection of the state of our country."

It’s important to acknowledge that there are hundreds of organizations throughout America dedicated to helping students maintain sexual purity until marriage.  The Day of Purity seeks to complement those efforts.  The Day of Purity is one day in the year that is set aside for students across America who believe that youth should strive to remain sexually pure until marriage.  This year, the Day of Purity will be held on the Friday before Valentine’s Day.

Rena Lindevaldsen, litigation counsel with Liberty Counsel, and National Coordinator for the Day of Purity, explained that the

"ramifications of sexual promiscuity among youth are devastating.  More than 3 million American teenagers are infected each year with sexually transmitted diseases.  The United States has the highest teenage pregnancy rate of all developed countries, with nearly 1 million teenage pregnancies each year. Twenty percent of the 1.3 million abortions performed each year in America are performed on teenagers. These are the problems that arise when America fails to offer youth clear moral guidance.

We are encouraging the youth of America to stand up for sexual purity and let their voices be heard over the persistent message of sexual promiscuity.  The youth can send a message to parents, churches, communities, legislators, and the media that they want a different America. 

Now is the time to let their voices be heard.  They should strive to be a part of the "counter-culture"; to be politically incorrect. The Day of Purity is a first step in the direction of change."

All those who are interested in participating should visit the official Day of Purity website at and download the organizing manual or call 1-800-671-1776.