Parenting by Design - November 24

Parenting through Prayer

Acts 4:31: After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly (NIV).

In this passage, Luke reminds us of the importance of prayer. The results are tremendous! The believers who prayed were "shaken," "filled with the Holy Spirit," and "spoke the word of God boldly." Notice also that these Christians did not fill themselves with the Holy Spirit, but they were supernaturally filled by God.

As we face the challenges of parenting, we are constantly reminded of our need for the Holy Spirit! Whether you are rejoicing, struggling to find direction, or crying out in sorrow, recognize the opportunity to turn to the Lord in prayer.

Remember the importance of prayer. Astounding results take place by simply taking the time to talk to the Lord.