French National TV Showcases Homeschooling in America

Media groups in France have also paid special attention to homeschoolers. France 2, one of the national public television channels, recently aired a special segment on “Homeschooling in the United States.” French journalists traveled around the United States and stopped at HSLDA’s national headquarters to interview director of international relations Michael Donnelly and to interview his family.

“It was great to see American homeschooling addressed on the French national news!” Ohlenbusch said in an email to HSLDA. “I especially appreciated what Mrs. Donnelly said with so much happiness about the precious spark in our children’s eyes when they truly connect with their learning and how it is such a privilege to be a part of those moments through homeschooling.”

HSLDA Staff Attorney Michael Donnelly hopes that the French TV program is helpful.

“Homeschoolers can use the media wisely to make the public aware that homeschooling is a growing and mainstream alternative to public education,” he said. “In France, homeschooling has been legal for number of years but there have been increasing attempts by national authorities to restrict homeschooling. TV programs like this one can help inform the public and gain popular support.”

Watch the French TV piece here.

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