Today's Insight - October 26, 2012

Today's Insight from Chuck Swindoll


Absolute Silence
by Charles R. Swindoll

He will exult over you with joy, 
He will be quiet in His love.
Zephaniah 3:17

I am more convinced than ever that there is no way you and I can move toward a deeper, intimate relationship with our God without protracted times of stillness, which includes one of the rarest at all experiences: absolute silence.

Am I sounding more like a mystical dreamer? If so, so was the psalmist who wrote those familiar words we often quote but seldom obey, "Be still, and know that I am God" (Psalms 46:10, NIV). . . .

We are commanded to stop (literally) . . . rest, relax, let go, and make time for Him. The scene is one of stillness and quietness, listening and waiting before Him. Such foreign experiences in these busy times! 

Nevertheless, knowing God deeply and intimately requires such discipline. Silence is indispensable if we hope to add depth to our spiritual life.

Used with permission. All rights reserved.

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