Recognize Your Wife's Uniqueness - February 25

Honoring Your Wife...

Recognize your wife's uniqueness.  Because men and women are created differently, we need each other in order to grow toward maturity and balance.  A woman may have more intuitive relational skills, but one of the strengths of a man is that he can decide to draw on those skills by asking probing questions like these: On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the worst and 10 the best, where do we want our relationship to be?  Where is it, in general, today?  What could we do in the next several days or weeks to bring our relationship closer to where we want it to be?

From It Takes Two to Tango by Gary and Norma Smalley.

All excerpts from It Takes Two to Tango are copyright 1997, Gary and Norma Smalley, and are used with permission.

Find more relationship resources from Gary and Norma Smalley.