Teaching Little Children to Generate Revenue


Teaching Little Children to Generate Revenue

“He who tills his land will have plenty of food, but he who follows empty pursuits will have poverty in plenty.” Proverbs 28:19

Children aged 4-7 are at a great age to start learning the value of good work. They may not be ready to do much outside of the home, but there are plenty of opportunities inside the home to start teaching them the value of work. Make it fun, make it visual and make it rewarding!

Weekly reward system: A simple way to start would be to teach your children to take care of their space. Let them own their room and their bathroom. Create a daily and a weekly work chart where you can check off responsibilities like making the bed, picking up the toys, putting their dirty clothes in the hamper, etc. Weekly routines could include taking the trash bag out of the trashcan and dusting. Establish a reward system where on weekly basis your child gets the opportunity to earn a “job well done” reward. Be careful how you establish the reward system since you don’t want your child to assume that every time they make the bed or pick up toys they should expect a payment.

Serving others: Meal times can be a great way to give your child the opportunity to work beyond their own space and serve others at the house. How about asking them to clear off the table by bringing all of the dirty dishes back to the kitchen? Not just their own but everyone’s. Sure they may need some extra assistance from your side, or from their older siblings at the beginning, but sooner than you know it they’ll be able to complete these tasks on their own.

Today's tip brought to you by Mvelopes and Money4Life Coaching.