The Weekly Focal Point - October 10

Giver of All Good

The Bible tells us that “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father” (James 1:17). God is certainly benevolent and generous to us. He gives a variety of good things, from the gift of life in a newborn baby, to the satisfying experience of a good meal after a long day’s work. No matter how profound or how seemingly mundane, the good we experience comes from the mind and intentionality of a good God. One of the reasons the connection between the good gifts and the generous Giver is so critically important to keep in mind is because, like spoiled and presumptuous children, we can easily become ingrates. Thanksgiving is not an extracurricular activity reserved for the deeply pious or the overly thoughtful. Being purposefully thankful is at the heart of true Christianity. To celebrate the redemption of Christ, or to be grateful for a good night’s sleep is a reflection of our awareness that God is God, and that we are utterly dependent on his kindness. So today, be cognizant of the blessings that God is dispensing in your life, and take the time to express your sincere gratitude to the Giver of all good things.

--Pastor Mike


Because the claims of Christ are true, they hold up to scrutiny and careful examination.  It is our Christian duty and personal calling to stay sharp and alert, “always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15).  That is why we are dedicating this month on Focal Point to discuss The Big Questions of the faith—How can we be sure there’s a God?  What’s so special about the Bible?  Is Christianity really the only way?  These and other issues are what we absolutely need to understand in a world that is hostile to faith.  The good news is, there are definitive answers to be found in God’s Word.
Apologetics, or the defense of the faith, is a topic I frequently address in our Round Table discussions at Compass Bible Church.  Our team at Focal Point has put together some of those conversations on a 2 GB flash drive (or DVD if you prefer) for personal or group study.  If you are the sort of person who prefers to watch a video than spend hours reading a book, this one is for you.  I’m confident you will find these discussions practical, informative and engaging.   Request No Apology Necessary with your donation of any amount this month.


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