Checking Your Mood

Anyone has the ability to provoke us. They can do this by a misspoken word, a look or even an attitude. But, it’s really not them. Whenever you are provoked, this suggests something unfinished in your heart or mind. If you were settled, comfortable in your own skin, their words would pass over you as you watched them fly by. While you might be unnerved momentarily, you’d have the ability to consider the source. So, the next time you feel angry, irritated or unsettled, ask yourself this question: “What is it about this person or what they are saying that upsets me?” Explore your feelings and own them as uniquely yours. Examine what is unfinished in your heart and then let it go. 

Dr. David Hawkins is the director of the Marriage Recover Center where he counsels couples in distress. He is the author of over 30 books, including Dealing With the CrazyMakers in Your Life90 Days to a Fantastic Marriage, and When Pleasing Others is Hurting You. Dr. Hawkins grew up in the beautiful Pacific Northwest and lives with his wife on the South Puget Sound where he enjoys sailing, biking, and skiing. He has active practices in two Washington cities. You can also find Dr. Hawkins on Facebook and TwitterDr. Hawkins offers a free, 20 minute consultation, with requests sent to his email address at Also, remember his guarantee at The Marriage Recovery Center: 3 Days To A New Marriage, Guaranteed! He is also excited to continue offering his special eBook, A Love Life of Your Dreams free for you to download.