The Weekly Focal Point - August 28

Opportunities to Witness

God calls us to always be looking for opportunities to help people understand the urgency of turning from sin to live for Christ. Paul depicts this Christian responsibility as telling the people in our world to “wake up” (Eph.5:14) – a duty not always eagerly accepted. While the thought may be intimidating, the prospects are exciting. Especially when we realize that Ephesians also reminds us that the results don’t rest on a set of well-crafted words or a skilled apologetic. Because the problem is spiritual death (and not simply an intellectual or moral deficiency), it is ultimately a work of God. As God sovereignly uses our ambassadorship, he periodically takes the reiteration of biblical truth to immediately transform and eternally redirect the lives of lost men and women. It is an awesome transaction to witness – one we wouldn’t want to miss because we weren’t looking for it. In the words of Ephesians 5, “be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil” (vv.15-16).  May God use you this week to make a difference in someone’s life.

-- Pastor Mike


August offer

There are no stupid questions. Teachers in the classroom often use this didactic phrase to remind us that if we have a question about something, we shouldn’t be afraid to ask. And when it comes to the most important subject of all, the same rule applies.

As Christians, we can be timid in regards to our questions and doubts about God, the Bible, and living the Christian life. But asking hard questions actually prepares us for our task as followers of Jesus to always be “prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15). At Focal Point, we aren’t afraid to ask tough questions.  And we are firmly committed to studying and searching God’s Word, the authority on truth, for answers.

As a thank you for your gift this month, I would like to send you a copy of an excellent book called The Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask.  Author Mark Mittelberg provides answers to tough questions like “How can I trust in Christianity when so many Christians are hypocrites?” and “Why should I think that heaven really exists—and that God sends people to hell?”  You will also find helpful tips for how we can respond to these challenges with truth and grace.  The book even includes a chapter on the questions our friends need us to ask them.     

Request The Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask with your donation this month.

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