Hands-On Faith - Week of December 15, 2014

Hands-on Faith for FamiliesWeek of December 15, 2014

Theme: Serving Others

A Servant’s Heart Is Humble

Play: Stand in a line, one behind the other. Decide on where to go, such as to a specific tree or location in your house. The first person in line moves to the end of the line, so her back is facing in the direction of the destination. Then the next “leader” does the same, so you are one person closer to the goal. Those moving to the end steer the line's direction. In this way, the line slowly moves in the opposite direction that you are facing, toward your goal, one person at a time.

Talk: Everyone wants to be first, but in God's kingdom, the first will be last. Sometimes that idea is confusing. It doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to win at games or do well at school; rather, it means that God works through those who are humble and who serve others (Mark 9:35). We need a humble heart that puts others first. And it starts by our finding out what others need and not just giving people our leftovers. How do you put others first when you do what they need vs. what you think they need?

Pray: Thank God for showing us, through Jesus, how to live humbly.

Naomi Cassata