The Weekly Focal Point - June 25

Worship God Now

One day God will make all things right. He will straighten out what’s crooked and smooth out the rough places (Is.40:3-4; Lk.3:5), not the least of which is the humiliation of the proud. For “all mankind will see God’s salvation” – a salvation most have chosen to ignore and disdainfully mock throughout their lives (Is.40:5; Lk.3:6). Isaiah had earlier prophesied, “The Lord Almighty has a day in store for all the proud and lofty, for all that is exalted – they will be humbled” (2:12). Those who refuse to respectfully acknowledge God for who he is and all those who stubbornly seek to exalt themselves and choose to spend their lives clinging to their favored “created things rather than the Creator” (Rom.1:25) will be made to face the God they shunned. No rebels will remain when our Lord and his Christ resolve this sinful interlude between Genesis 3 and Revelation 19. Every prideful heart that has led men and women “to live life their way” will bow in silence before the Lamb of God. Indeed “kings will shut their mouths because of him” (Is.52:15). No more excuses, no more profanity, no more narcissistic and egotistical godless chatter. The world’s inhabitants will meet their Maker and confess that his Son is King. May we anticipate that Day with humble adoration (Ps.2). May our hearts long for men and women, teenagers and children to cling to him now with contrite hearts. May we proclaim, “Blessed are all who take refuge in him” (Ps.2:12).

-Pastor Mike


WFP offer

Horrific acts of violence and persecution toward Christians in the Middle East have been filling the news headlines. Extraordinary testimonies have demonstrated the courage of these men and women who are being called upon to pay the ultimate price for following Jesus Christ. We are living in a time when real faith—ambitious faith—is absolutely vital. We marvel at these modern-day martyrs, yet the Bible proclaims that each of us can have this kind of faith as followers of Christ.

For a gift of any amount, we’d like to send you a classic book that has inspired and strengthened many followers of Jesus over the years. Fox’s Book of Martyrs tells the dramatic, true stories of men, women, and children who, in the face of indescribable persecution, gave their lives for the sake of Christ. From the Apostles of the first century to the beginning of our American foreign missions, this book illustrates the kind of faith that commits itself utterly to the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s a timely resource for encouraging you today.

Request ​Fox's Book of Martyrs with your donation this month.

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