Hands-On Faith - Week of October 12, 2015


Hands-on Faith for Families– week of October 12, 2015

Theme:Sharing Your Life

Share Dare

Play: Fold a piece of paper in half, making two columns. On one side, list some things that you have a lot of — think of your toys, books and games. In the other column, list things that you only have one of — like a special toy or a favorite piece of clothing. When your lists are complete, discuss which things would be easiest to share and which would be more difficult to share.

Talk: Sometimes it’s easy to share — like when we have a lot of something. And sometimes it’s really hard to share — like when we only have a little or when what we have seems precious. God set the best example of sharing when He sent His Son to us — His one and only Son. “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him” (1 John 4:9). God gave us what was precious to Him — Jesus. As His children, we can show God’s great love to others as we share generously.

Pray: Ask God to make you more like himself as you learn to share with others.

Janine Petry