In Touch - December 3, 2005

In Touch Daily Devotional 
by Dr. Charles Stanley

Saturday December 3, 2005

Finding Favor With God

Genesis 6:7-9


People work hard to earn the favor of employers, parents, or friends — unequivocal support and approval is a balm to the human heart. As believers, we strive after God’s favor, which He freely offers. “How great is Your goodness, which You have stored up for those who fear You, which You have wrought for those who take refuge in You” (Psalms 31:19).


Unfortunately, in our cynical culture, we often overlook the most basic examples of the Lord’s kindness. He provides for needs, puts a limit on seasons of suffering, listens to and answers prayers, and bestows desires of the heart. Support, encouragement, and provision are blessings of the Almighty. Every good thing that comes our way is from His hand (James 1:17).


God’s favor isn’t capricious, as some suspect; He does not show kindness to some and withhold from others based on His whim. A believer’s actions stemming from faith make the difference. Consider Noah, who “walked with God,” according to Genesis 6:9. Noah’s willingness to keep a right relationship with the Lord through daily trust and worship resulted in his entire family being saved from the world-cleansing flood. That is a truly remarkable example of divine favor.


Another way we find favor is by keeping God’s commandments (Proverbs 3:1-4). Believers are to feast on the Word in order to learn the Lord’s ways and practice His principles. As our hearts are bent toward our heavenly Father, we become more like Him. Consequently, His favor flows into every corner of the believer’s life.