David Burchett Christian Blog and Commentary

A Slice Of Facebook Life

One of the things I love about Facebook are the status updates. Some people ponder really deep and thorny issues like this one from my friend Robin.

Why PopTarts, why do you only come in non-resealable pkgs of 2? Shouldn't I have the choice to eat just 1 Tart w/out sacrificing the freshness of others?

That is just one example of the inequities of life that need to be addressed and only a few men like Robin have the courage to ask those tough questions. Shouldn’t a country that can put a MAN ON THE MOON be able to package PopTarts in freshness saving single packages? Why isn’t there outrage over this injustice?

Some use the status updates for mundane reports about going to work or doing laundry. Some status updates are funny.

Jeff is doubling the recipe and setting the oven to 700 degrees.  That actually makes sense to a guy. The same friend recently wondered this.

Jeff is wondering if you have ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations? 

Think about it. Not quite right friend John posted this after waking up from minor surgery.

John is back up again after his anesthesia reboot. Noticable changes: I can list all the players for the 1937 Cleveland Indians, but I can't say the word "spiquet". 

Hopefully John will have a full recovery and will be able to say spiquet again very soon. If not I am sure he will have a community of friends to help him say that often used word. 

But my favorite Facebook moments are when friends share a slice of life that is real and sweet. High school friend Yolanda shared this moment yesterday in her status report.

Yolanda is smiling over her 4 year old grandson's comment while throwing up...."Jesus and soap will make it better."
I have to think that Jesus would love that comment and would point again to his words in the Gospels.
One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could lay his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples scolded the parents for bothering him. But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.”  (Matthew 19, NLT).
What did Jesus mean by that? Did He mean we should be immature and childish? Hardly. The reason that Jesus singled out these children was their unwavering trust and dependence. We have a hard time with trust and we tend to wrestle with God over control of our hearts and lives.
My friend’s grandson demonstrated another part of this journey that is difficult for we “grownups”. Jesus welcomes you with open arms no matter what condition you find yourself in.
“Jesus and soap will make it better.”
That simple comment demonstrated  a couple of insights. The trusting little boy put Jesus first in his comment. This little child knew he did not have to “clean up” first to be presentable to approach Jesus. How often we forget that. Or perhaps we never get it. Jesus does not ask us to clean up before we seek Him. Trust Jesus first. Then the power of the Holy Spirit in you and the ongoing grace of God will help you clean up the mess you brought with you.
Out of the mouths of babes comes wisdom and even theology. Trust Jesus first and He will give you power to deal with the sin that brings shame, hiddenness and lack of joy.
Jesus and soap will make it better. Thanks for the reminder.

Dave Burchett is an Emmy Award winning television sports director, author, and Christian speaker. He is the author of When Bad Christians Happen to Good People and Bring'em Back Alive: A Healing Plan for those Wounded by the Church. You can reply by linking through daveburchett.com.