Dena Johnson Martin Christian Blog and Commentary

My Knight in Shining Armor

  • blogspot for Dena Johnson of Dena's Devos
  • Published Nov 07, 2017


The word can strike fear into the hearts of the most courageous person. And this week, Monday hit me HARD.

I woke up with my head pounding, sending waves of nausea throughout my body. I stumbled out of bed and found the ibuprofen, swallowing it and praying for some quick relief. I grabbed a caffeinated beverage hoping the double dose would alleviate my pain.

After about 30 minutes, I gave up on the hope I could get in a good workout and opted for a hot shower. Usually the steam and heat will relax my muscles and provide a dose of relief. But it was not to be today. I was doubled over trying not to vomit.

Always trying to be strong, I managed to get ready for work and head out the door. My eyes weren’t focusing well and I was still in pain, my brain in a fog. After a couple of hours at work, I decided maybe some protein would help.

I walked to my car and headed to Chick-Fil-A. Chicken. A good protein. Surely that would help.

As I turned the corner, I caught my tire on the curb. Curb check. A hard curb check. I didn’t think much about it…until I came out of Chick-Fil-A and saw my flat tire. Completely flat tire. On the rim flat tire.

Did I mention that a week ago I had a flat tire? My sweet husband came to my rescue, changing my flat and taking my car to get new tires. Brand new tires.

And I had just ruined my exactly one-week old tire.

I called my amazing new husband and reminded him how much I loved him…before I told him I was stranded at Chick-Fil-A with a brand-new tire that was now ruined. He, of course, came to my rescue and again changed my flat.

Fortunately, there was a Discount Tire just around the corner, and my brilliant husband had paid for the road hazard warranty (smart man). They replaced my tire for free and sent me on my way.

But my car wouldn’t start.

I went back into the tire shop to ask if they had any problem starting my car (which they didn’t). The repairman came out and attempted to start my car…only to confirm it was dead. Completely dead.

Can we say damsel in distress? Can we say my husband might be regretting his choice at this point? Can we say he might be getting me a Triple A membership for Christmas?

The gentlemen from Discount Tire jump-started my car and sent me around the corner…to Napa Auto Parts. The poor guy at the counter wasn’t quite sure how to take me, but when I finally got the story out, he enjoyed a good laugh…at my expense. He found the right battery, and walked out to my car and installed it.

And my car started right up.

(PSA…when you get your oil changed and they tell you your battery is not holding sufficient charge, I encourage you to handle the situation immediately. Don’t assume your car will just keep starting. Not that I would have done that…)

Yes, it’s been a Monday. At least I can laugh about it. And I can be so thankful for my incredible husband who, without a single complaint, has come to my rescue more in the last two months than any man should need to.

Without a complaint, he changed my tire last week when I pulled into the garage and heard the air leaking. Without a complaint, he traded me cars and took mine for new tires. Without a complaint, he again came and changed my tire today. Without a complaint, he helped me through a dead battery.

But it’s not just the big stuff. Without a complaint, he chauffeurs my kids. Without a complaint, he cooks dinner and cleans house. Without a complaint, he mows the yard. Without a complaint, he does so much for me…for us.

I’ve never experienced a relationship where we truly seek to outdo one another with honor (Romans 12:10). I’ve never experienced a relationship where we truly serve one another with love (Galatians 5:13).

And it’s really kind of fun.

Now, he has his quirks. He likes the toilet paper to go over the roll, and I couldn’t care less. But because of his kindness, I want to put the toilet paper on the roll the way he wants. He wants the sheets put on the bed in a certain way, and I want to put them on the bed the way he wants because I desire to serve him. He has these crazy quirks and OCD compulsions, and I want to do things the way he wants…because he works so hard to make my life better and easier.

And this is what God intended marriage to be.

God has blessed me beyond what I could have imagined. He knew what I needed even when I didn’t. And He blessed me with a man who loves through his words and actions.

He speaks words of encouragement. Even after seven years, I am still getting Good morning gorgeous texts every day. He reminds me of his love and of God’s faithfulness. When my faith is weak, he stands strong to support me. He is Mr. Optimism all the time.

He listens to my words and my heart. We’ve had a few arguments in the last two months since we were married…the first arguments we’ve had since we started dating over a year and a half ago. I can’t say they’ve been fun fights, but in the end he has heard my heart, my fears. I know I can tell him what’s on my heart and trust him with it.

He serves willingly. I’ve never been in trouble for cleaning the kitchen. Or carrying out the trash. Or folding laundry. Until now. I’m constantly reminded that I don’t have to do everything by myself any more. I’m constantly blessed by a man who wants to make my life easier, who wants to love me by serving me.

He encourages me to follow my dreams. Roy wants to see me fulfill my dreams. He’s willing to take on all of the kids and the household responsibilities so I can run off to writing conferences. He wants to see me pour my heart and soul into sharing God’s love with others through my writing and speaking. He wants nothing more than to see me be all God created me to be.

I always knew God would exceed my greatest expectations, that His promises would never fail me. It’s such a fun journey seeing God do what only He can do.

Maybe you are still waiting for your knight in shining armor who will come rescue you when you have a flat tire or a dead battery or another flat tire. Maybe you are still waiting for the one who will love you in words and in actions. Maybe you are beginning to wonder if God’s promises really will come to pass.

Keep waiting. Keep hoping. Keep praying. You never know when God will reveal His full plan. And it’s so worth the wait.



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