Everett Piper Christian Blog and Commentary

An Orange Movement

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Can one man change the world? Let me give you an example of one who did, whom you may not even know.

Orange Scott was born in 1800. In 1822 he became a pastor in the Methodist Episcopal Church. By 1833 he was known as an outspoken critic of the national industry known as slavery.

Convinced that "holy hearts should result in holy lives" and that holy men should seek to bring an end to unholy things, Scott demanded that the church do its duty and shine a torch on "the wrongs and outrages suffered" by the nation's "wretched slaves" and to awaken the "slumbering national mind [so] it would be roused to see" what he rightly declared to be "the evil defiling [our] land."

These abolitionist views eventually led to the birth of a new movement that is known today as the Wesleyan Church—a movement that 140 years ago modeled biblical justice, a movement started by one man suffering a strange name that ultimately led to the emancipation of thousands of men suffering a deranged fate.

So when you look around and see things that need to change—things like an abortion industry every bit as lucrative as the plantation operations of old; things like women being marketed as objects of entertainment and recreation by Sports Illustrated and MTV; things like underage girls being forced into sexual trafficking at Oklahoma truck stops along the I44 corridor—remember the man with the funny name who started a movement simply doing his duty and demanding justice for those enslaved by the sins and selfishness of others. Remember the lesson of Orange Scott. Remember, "all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for one good man to do nothing" (Edmund Burke).