Laura MacCorkle Christian Blog and Commentary

New Year, New You, New Detox

“New year, new you!”  How many times have you seen or heard that phrasing in the past day or so? 

VH1 has jumped on the bandwagon, too.  Last night, I saw an ad for the network’s upcoming show, Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew.  And I’m sure you can guess what my initial thought was:  Seriously?  Puhleeese!  Who’s going to watch THAT???

Well, I guess those who want to see former pro-wrestler Chyna, porn star Mary Carey, troubled actor Daniel Baldwin and '80s-action-star-turned-reality-TV-star Brigitte Nielsen get some help for their respective addictions.  TV/Radio doc Drew Pinsky is the resident addiction expert who will help wrangle these potential powder kegs.

Now, I’m sure the VH1-powers-that-be aim to hook us all with this new reality show.  And you know what?  I actually think the show’s main goal could be a good thing for all of us.  Just the detox part, that is. 

Seriously?  Seriously.  Granted, I won’t be watching this new show, but the 30-second ad has inspired me to take a closer look at what I need to remove from my own life at the beginning of this new year.

One click away to my handy-dandy Merriam Webster’s 11th Collegiate Dictionary program, tells me that detoxification means this:

1 A: to remove a harmful substance (as a poison or toxin) or the effect of such from  B: to render (a harmful substance) harmless
2: to free (as a drug user or an alcoholic) from an intoxicating or an addictive substance in the body or from dependence on or addiction to such a substance

And then one flip away in my handy-dandy NIV Bible tells me even more:

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Philippians 4:8, NIV

So that’s what should be in my mind.  And not all the other junk.  I need some Godly rehab to remove whatever is stinking my thinking, harming my relationship with Christ and poisoning the effectiveness of my witness.

What are the areas of my life that need some neutralizing?  How about entertainment, finances and relationships, for starters.  There are magazines, television shows and movies that I shouldn’t be reading or watching. 

And then there are expenditures that I shouldn’t be making and savings that should be amplified and redirected.  There are also relationships that aren’t God-honoring and those that are emotionally destructive and need to be curtailed. 

There’s also food intake and drink consumption.  Clean out the boxed and processed, limit the caffeine and bring on the complex carbs, leafy greens and high fibers!

Whew … there’s a lot to get ready for when I think about these close-ups (and I’m not even a celebrity!).  But as 2008 unfolds, I know that God will show me what I need to detox from daily as He draws me closer to Himself. 

Here’s to a great New Year, new beginnings and a revitalized walk with Christ!

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

2 Corinthians 5:17, NIV