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CDC: Kids Aren't Learning About Contraceptives in Sex Ed

One-third of American teens aren't learning about contraceptives during sex education classes, but most of them are getting schooled in "how to say no" to sex.

A report on sex education programs for teenagers, issued today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, offers a glimpse into today's classrooms, community centers and churches, where youth are learning the ins and outs of copulation.

And although around half of teens in grades nine through 12 report being sexually active, only one-third are learning about condoms, birth control pills and other contraceptive methods.

Nearly all teens polled by the CDC for this survey had received some kind of formal sex ed. Girls were more likely than boys to report being taught about birth control methods, with 47 percent of female and 38 percent of male participants saying they'd received a primer.

But if teens aren't learning about contraceptives at school or church, they're certainly picking up facts elsewhere. Prior CDC data indicate that around 83 percent of sexually active girls, and 91 percent of boys, used at least one form of contraceptive during intercourse.

So what are teens getting busy with during sex education classes? For one thing, how to turn down sexual advances. More than three-quarters of females and males said they'd been taught how to "say no" to sex.

Source: AOL News