Stephen McGarvey Christian Blog and Commentary

Banish the Unofficial Luggage of Foster Care

An Oscar Upset We Can Truly Appreciate

To everyone's surprise, Brokeback Mountain didn't win best picture last night. The darkhorse Crash took home the film world's most coveted prize, much to the chagrin of critics.

From the LA Times:  “In the privacy of the voting booth, as many political candidates who've led in polls only to lose elections have found out, people are free to act out the unspoken fears and unconscious prejudices that they would never breathe to another soul, or, likely, acknowledge to themselves. And at least this year, that acting out doomed "Brokeback Mountain."  (LA Times)

From ABC News:  “The Oscars opened the closet door to gay-themed films but shut it almost as quickly.”  (ABC News)

From the LA Weekly a month prior to the Oscars:  “…this year’s dirty little secret is the anecdotal evidence pouring in to me about hetero members being unwilling to screen Brokeback Mountain. For a community that takes pride in progressive values, it’s shameful that Hollywood’s homophobia may be on a par with Pat Robertson’s.”  (LA Weekly)

Meanwhile, none of the nominated films landed in the top ten at the box office this weekend.  (LA Times)  The winners.  (USA Today)  Audio from the awards.  (SONnetwork)

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