Stephen McGarvey Christian Blog and Commentary

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McCain chooses Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for V.P.


John McCain tapped little-known Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to be his vice presidential running mate on Friday in a startling selection on the eve of the Republican National Convention.

Two senior campaign officials disclosed McCain's decision a few hours before the Republican presidential nominee-to-be and his newly-minted running mate appeared at a rally in swing-state Ohio.

Palin, like McCain, is a conservative with a maverick streak who has shown a willingness to clash with others in her own party. A self-styled hockey mom and political reformer, she has been governor of her state less than two years.

In May of this year Albert Mohler wrote about Palin's new baby:

A little boy with an extra chromosome was born on April 18. His name is Trig Paxson Van Palin and his new home is the Alaska Governor's Mansion in Juneau. His mom is Governor Sarah Palin, who along with her husband Todd, has welcomed Trig as their second son and fifth child.

Read his commentary from the Crosswalk archives: Palin's Baby Defies Our 'Culture of Death'

Last year on The Weekly Standard, Fred Barnes wrote a feature on Palin and her campaign for governor calling her a, "politician of eye-popping integrity... She is now the most popular governor in America, with an approval rating in the 90s, and probably the most popular public official in any state." About her faith Barnes said:

Her Christian faith--Palin grew up attending nondenominational Bible churches--was a minor issue in the race. She told me her faith affects her politics this way: "I believe everything happens for a purpose. In my own personal life, if I dedicated back to my Creator what I'm trying to create for the good . . . everything will turn out fine." That same concept applies to her political career, she suggested.

Read the full article: The Most Popular Governor: Alaska's Sarah Palin is the GOP's newest star.

On Slate, Rachel Larimore sings her praises:

Politically, it's a great move by McCain to appeal to the disgruntled Hillary voters that Obama might not have successfully wooed during the convention this week. Yes, she's pro-life, but she's not just talk. Faced with the heartbreaking news that her fifth child would likely have Down syndrome, she continued on with the pregnancy and gave birth to a son while in office, a son she calls "perfect." And like Hillary, she's one tough cookie. You don't take on an entrenched pol like Murkowski and succeed in a rugged state like Alaska if you're a lightweight.

Read the full blog...

On National Review Kathryn Jean Lopez remarks:

Not only are children with Down Syndrome people too, they inspire a deep love and enthusiastic appreciation. Especially in the face of a culture that wants to expunge them. According to a study cited in the New York Times last year, “About 90 percent of pregnant women who are given a Down syndrome diagnosis have chosen to have an abortion....”

At 44, Governor Palin is a bit young and relatively new to the political scene yet. These are no small considerations when electing someone who could assume the role of president ... But if the youngest life she and her husband care for can wake up a nation that’s blind to the eugenics in its midst, a routine part of medicine today, she and John McCain would be offering human rights and dignity a great, honorable service. In contrast to Barack Obama, who would let the survivors of botched abortion attempts be killed, the Palins could serve as a great clarifier for voters this fall — and an education.

Read the full article: Don’t Be Down on Palin