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Man Who Lived in an Iron Long for 70 Years Has Died but Left Behind a Legacy of Inspiration

Man Who Lived in an Iron Long for 70 Years Has Died but Left Behind a Legacy of Inspiration

In the vast expanse of human history, some etch their mark upon the fabric of this life with unwavering resilience and indomitable spirit. Paul was one such luminary-a beacon of hope amidst the shadows of adversity.

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The Man Who Lived in Iron Lung Turned To Faith

In life’s journey, our bodies sometimes let us down, throwing unexpected hurdles our way. It’s a tough spot to be in – feeling like our own selves are working against us. But let me tell you, there’s a choice in those moments. We can either let ourselves drown in despair or rise up, pushing past those limitations with all we’ve got. Paul Alexander? He’s the kind of guy who chose the latter. 

Despite his challenges, he didn’t let it crush his spirit. Instead, he turned to his faith and hope in God, finding joy in everyday struggles. And you know what? That’s something we can all relate to.

Because life throws curveballs, and it’s up to us to swing back with all our might. Paul’s story reminds us that our strength isn’t just in our bodies. It’s in our ability to keep going, no matter what.

His journey began in the grip of polio, a merciless foe that stole his mobility at the tender age of six. Yet, in the face of despair, Paul's spirit soared.

He Defies the Confines of His Condition

Encased in an iron lung, he defied the confines of his condition, breathing life into every moment with unparalleled courage. He became the only person to graduate high school at the age of 21 without ever setting foot in class. 

He then went on to become an attorney and practice law. There were periods of time when he was able to live outside of the iron lung. Even though it was short-lived, Paul continued to find the brighter side of life. 

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For seven decades, Paul’s iron lung became a sanctuary and a symbol of his unwavering resolve. He remained steadfast through the ebbs and flows of existence, his spirit unyielding to the passage of time. Paul would share videos about his life in the Iron Lung with the world. 

With his body encased in the metal machine, Paul's head rested on a pillow, and within eye-sight were inspirational mementos to remind him of the things that truly mattered, like hope in Jesus. 

His Legacy Shone Bright

As his journey drew to a close after contracting COVID-19, Paul's legacy shone bright, illuminating the hearts of all touched by his story. Paul was set free from his body and transformed to be whole in heaven with Jesus at his side.

Though he has departed from this mortal coil, Paul's legacy endures-an eternal flame of inspiration that flickers in the hearts of all who dare to dream. His resilience, courage, and unwavering faith in the face of adversity serve as a beacon of hope in a world often shrouded in darkness.

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Paul Alexander's life is a thread of awe and heartache, woven with the tender care of God's hand. In his journey, we find the echoes of his own triumphs and the promise of hope that transcends the confines of earthly existence.

Let his story be a beacon in the darkness, guiding us always to seek out the light. Cherish each moment, and never lose sight of the beauty surrounding us. As we navigate the winding roads of life, may we draw strength from Paul’s legacy, continuing to hope and finding joy in every step of the journey.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit," Romans 15:13.

h/t: People

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/ironlungman

This content originally appeared on; used with permission.
