Bible Pathways Daily Bible Reading Devotional

Banish the Unofficial Luggage of Foster Care
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Bible Pathways - Jan. 20, 2009


January 20

Exodus 8

Highlights In Today's Reading:

With frogs everywhere, including in his bed, the stubborn Pharaoh tells Moses to wait until "tomorrow" to remove them (8:10).

When Moses requested that the Israelites be permitted to worship the One True God, it was an insult to Pharaoh, who considered himself one of the great gods of Egypt.

Pharaoh is symbolic of Satan and, since Satan's opposition is still the same today, we need to consider Pharaoh's demands on how to worship. If Satan can't succeed with open scorn and opposition, he will try to persuade us to compromise. While God had told Moses Israel was to go into the wilderness to sacrifice (3:18), Pharaoh said: Sacrifice to your God in the land (8:25) of Egypt; be one of us. Ye shall not go very far away (8:28). This is typical of how Satan deceives many who may "worship" the Lord but continue their worldly lifestyle.

God had also said: Three days' journey (3:18) — a complete break from Egypt (symbolic of the world). Pharaoh meant: "Do not get too involved in serving your Lord." Many today believe they can worship on the Lord's Day but live like the world the rest of the week. But, to God, worship is unacceptable unless it reflects total commitment to Christ as our way of life.

Pharaoh asked: Who are they that shall go? And Moses said, We will go with our young and with our old, with our sons and with our daughters, with our flocks and with our herds . . . for we must hold a feast unto the Lord (10:8-9) — meaning everything we are and all that we possess belongs to the One True God. Some of the world believes that everyone should be free to have a religion provided we agree that all religions are equally acceptable. But, when you insist that Christ alone is the Savior of the world and that all other religions are false, conflict erupts. With intense anger they were driven out from Pharaoh's presence (10:11).

Pharaoh had also said: Go . . . only let your flocks and your herds remain (10:24). If he could not induce them to sacrifice in the land, he would send them without sacrifices. Moses replied: There shall not an hoof be left behind (10:26). Moses made no concessions, no compromises. Full surrender to Christ and supreme loyalty to Him are considered narrow-minded and are never understood (or accepted) by the world. Satan would have us believe that worship should not interfere with nor influence our business affairs, social lives, government, or schools.

But Jesus said: Broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction . . . and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it (Matt. 7:13-14).

Thought for Today:

There is only one way to worship and that is in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:24).

Christ Revealed:

As the Light of the world in contrast to a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt . . . but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings (Ex. 10:22-23). Jesus said: I am The Light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness (John 8:12).

Word Studies:

8:3 kneadingtroughs =mixing vessels; 8:9 Glory over me: when shall I intreat for thee =the honor is yours to tell me when I am to pray for you; 8:19 finger of God =act of God; 8:22 sever =favorable difference; 8:26 not meet =not proper; 9:20 feared the Word of the Lord =terrified by the threat of God; 9:28 Intreat =pray fervently; 9:31 bolled =was ripening; 10:7 be a snare =continue to be a menace.

Prayer Needs:

Pray for International Shortwave Radio Broadcasts in memory of Bill Rogers • Bible Pathway Printer: Ambrose Printing Staff, Nashville TN • Government Official: Rep. Shelley Berkley (NV) • Country: Uruguay (3 million) on the southeastern coast of South America • Major language: Spanish • Religious freedom • 60% Roman Catholic; 2% Protestant; 2% Jewish; .7% Eastern Orthodox • Prayer Suggestion: Remember that God hears and answers our prayers (Is. 65:24).

Optional Reading: Matthew 20

Memory Verse for the Week: Matthew 4:17

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