Spiritual Growth and Christian Living Resources

Banish the Unofficial Luggage of Foster Care

Ministry Idea: Write a Prayer for a Friend

  • Ray Pritchard Keep Believing Ministries
  • Updated May 05, 2008
Ministry Idea: Write a Prayer for a Friend

“I’m praying for you.”

How often have we said those four words? Christians routinely promise to pray for others. And such a promise, whether deeply felt or not, is always a wonderful gift. How encouraging it is to be going through a hard time and have someone who loves you say, “I’m praying for you.”

But there is something that can mean even more. Next week Marlene and I are traveling to the Czech Republic for the Josiah Venture Spring Conference. Because I am speaking on spiritual warfare, I wrote to some friends asking for their prayers. One of those friends wrote back yesterday and included his prayer for us. He prefaced it with these words: “I believe that God is going to do something wonderful and unexpected through your visit.  Therefore, I want to specifically lift you and Marlene before the Lord.” This is the text of his prayer:

Father of Power and Light,

I lift my brother Ray and my sister Marlene before you this morning to plead with you on their behalf. You have called them to the task that awaits them in the Czech Republic next week. We know you are going to do something incredible next week because we see the evil one at work – doing all he can to stop you from accomplishing your purpose in this event. He knows that he has no influence over you, so he is attacking your children, hoping to distract, dishearten, and disrupt them as they attempt to obey your will. Don’t let him get away with any of it!  Instead, Lord, put him on the defensive! Send him running for the hills so that he has no time to plot and scheme or attack Ray and Marlene or anyone associated with this upcoming trip and conference. Make him look over his shoulder in fear of you, the Almighty. Fill Ray and Marlene with your matchless power and through them shed your light on all they come in contact with in the Czech Republic.  This trip is all about you!! Not our will, but thy will be done.  Amen.

I love that prayer because it is powerful, biblical and personal. I read it and re-read it and felt strengthened to know that we have friends who pray for us like that.

I encourage you to do the same thing. Write a prayer for a friend. Don’t just say, “I’ll be praying for you.” Write out your prayer and send it to them. It doesn’t have to be long or fancy. A sentence or two is fine. Just write from your heart what you are praying to the Lord.

Write it and send it. A written prayer is a wonderful gift to those you love.