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Soldiers for Christ: Standing against the Spiritual Forces of Evil

  • Dr. Ed Young The Winning Walk
  • Updated Jun 29, 2020
Soldiers for Christ: Standing against the Spiritual Forces of Evil

As we approach Independence Day, the American spirit becomes stronger than ever. We are proud of our country, we are proud of our flag, and most of all, we are proud of our men and women who are serving—and have served—in the armed forces. Yes, we are steadfastly proud of our soldiers.

When soldiers are about a holy endeavor, they are doing the work of almighty God. Jesus Christ gave His life so that we might be set free from sin. Soldiers fighting for right and for righteousness against the tides of evil also offer their lives for freedom, liberty and justice.

And God is always on the side of justice!

Therefore, being a soldier is a holy calling and a sacred vocation. We see that reflected throughout the Bible.

You see Jesus honor the centurion for his great faith in Matthew 8. When the centurion asked Jesus to heal his paralyzed servant, Jesus said He would come and heal the man.

But the centurion said, “Lord, I am not worthy for You to come under my roof, But just say the word, and my servant will be healed.”

Now when Jesus heard this, He marveled and said to those following Him, “Truly I say to you, I have not found such great faith with anyone in Israel” - - Matthew 8:8, 10

And John the Baptist in Luke 3, talked about the integrity of a soldier and how he is to function. Paul also used the illustration of a soldier in 2 Timothy 2 to describe how we are to be disciplined in the very body of Christ.

In fact, in this passage Paul shows us that in same way a military soldier is trained and prepared for battle, we are to be trained, honorable soldiers for Christ prepared for spiritual battle…to stand against the spiritual forces of evil. 

Paul tells us:

  • We are to be single-minded and focused.
  • We are to be hardworking and fair.
  • We are to be secure in our salvation.
  • We are to be of sound faith.
  • We are to be set apart with a pure heart.
  • We must be a servant to all.

I challenge you today to take heed of Paul’s words. Take a moment to consider whether these qualities describe your life. If not, ask God to show you how you can become a victorious warrior against the spiritual forces of evil.

As you celebrate your freedom here in America, please take time to remember our military men and women who fight for our freedom. We are indebted to them for their sacrifice and bravery.

But as you celebrate also reflect on the holy sacrifice that our Lord and Savior made for our eternal freedom. It was a sacrifice beyond compare through which you can now stand victorious against the spiritual forces of evil that seek your spiritual defeat.

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