Marriage, Divorce & Ruining Children: Crosswalk's Top 10 Family Articles of 2015

Marriage, Divorce & Ruining Children: Crosswalk's Top 10 Family Articles of 2015

It is our great blessing at Crosswalk to provide our readers with articles that will keep God at the center of their households. Through our Family channel, we are able to share information and advice on relationships, marriage, divorce, and parenting children of all ages. Here are our top 10 Family articles of 2015:

10. If I Were Anna Duggar

Key Quote: “I have been in Anna Duggar’s shoes. I understand the hurt and pain and fear and devastation… I know the shame and humiliation of having a spouse whose actions have given the world a reason to point to the hypocrisy of Christians, the fear that somehow others might think that I was somehow complicit in the behavior… Since I have walked in Anna Duggar’s shoes, I feel that I can comment on what I would do if I were Anna Duggar. Some things I did well as I walked this path; some things I wish I could change.”

What YOU Said: “I too have walked this road. Very painful but God heals the brokenhearted. Very well written.” -Dee Doris Sandquist-Jecminek

9. 40 Powerful Blessings to Pray over Your Marriage

Key Quote: “There’s no magic formula in praying verses and words, but there is power through the Spirit of God.  And there’s power in His Truth to bring forgiveness, healing, renewal, and restoration - no matter how bad things may seem. His reach is big.  His love is huge.  His grace covers all.”

What YOU Said: “Putting God in the CENTER of your marriage, is the only way it will succeed. Praying together as a couple is wonderful !!!” -Maria G Nieto

8. 7 of the Greatest Needs of a Wife

Key Quote: “Men, do you love your wife above everything else in your life (apart from your Christ relationship), including your work, your hobbies, your friends, family, and even the children? And, more importantly, do your actions prove your words?”

What YOU Said: “Wonderful Article! And to boil it down wives need to be ADORED and men need to be APPRECIATED. Keep the friendship alive and communicate with each other. Listen. Thank You.” -Carrol Shannon

7. 7 of the Greatest Needs of a Husband

Key Quote: “Ladies, you want your husband to love you unconditionally. Are you willing to respect him unconditionally? You probably aren’t always extremely “lovable.” (I can say that through my blog where I’d be afraid to say it in person—but you know it’s true.) He’s probably not always respectable. Do you want to be loved any less when you aren’t at your “best”? Neither does he in the area of respect.”

What YOU Said: “Amen!! Although I've been married for 6 years these are lessons I needed to be reminded of. Thank you very much.” -Ninah Moore

6. 3 Beautiful Truths Every Divorced Christian Needs to Know

Key Quote: “...there are those well-meaning Christians who want you to know that you have failed Christ by your divorce. They tell you that God hates divorce. They tell you that if you remarry one day, you will forever be living in an adulterous relationship, surely condemned to eternal hell. They tell you that you must stand in the gap, praying for reconciliation with your ex-spouse. That is your only option—other than remaining single for the rest of your life.”

What YOU Said: “Thank you, Dena - So much of what I "thought" I knew about Christian divorce has been debunked in my own life. It sometimes feels like a lonely road, but there too many travelers on this journey to be isolated. Keep sharing!” -Missy Robinson

5. Inside Out Can Help Parents Avoid This Big Mistake

Key Quote: “...what can Christian parents learn from Riley’s inside out adventure? I think the crucial lesson is this: kids need us to set boundaries on behaviors, but we should beware of setting boundaries on emotions. Telling your child how to act is necessary; telling your child how to feel is a disaster waiting to happen.”

What YOU Said: “This is a very insightful article that not only gets to the point of human emotion on a spiritual level; it digs even deeper to reach us on a worldview level of humanity. well done sir!” -Eric Purdy

4. 5 Things a Wife Needs (But Doesn’t Know How to Ask For)

Key Quote: “Many wives wait expectantly for their husbands to meet their needs, but never verbalize them, becoming upset and resentful when the needs are not met. At the same time, husbands are unaware of the needs of their wives, and become confused and angry when their wives act contemptuously toward them.”

What YOU Said: “This list is sexist. These are all things that we need to give BOTH partners in a relationship. As a stay at home husband I would love all of them, even if I am a guy.” -Allan Whitaker

3. This is the Reason God Actually Hates Divorce

Key Quote:Malachi 2:16 states that God hates divorce.  And I learned that God does hate divorce, but not for the reasons we hear in most churches (“it breaks his law”). No, the root reason is much more intimate, more affectionate. God knows that divorce deeply wounds and attempts to destroy his precious Beloved. Divorce endeavors to steal, kill, and destroy God’s creation. Divorce tried to assassinate me. That’s why God hates divorce.”

What YOU Said: “Great article! ‘You don't know what you don't know’ is probably the best line in the whole article (in my opinion). Too many Christians have opinions on situations they know nothing about. I admit that I fall into that same trap on occasion. So we should be quick to repent and asking forgiveness when we find ourselves wronging other through our own ignorance. We NEVER know all the details of someone's situation, so we should stop judging and start listening and being present for those who need us.” -Kevin Beers

2. Married Sex: What's Okay with God?

Key Quote: “When making decisions for the bedroom, God gives you elbow room to make choices based on personal preferences, but never risk your life, your health or your reputation for a few moments of ecstasy… Never settle for ‘shades of grey’ when God’s plan for love creates a lifetime of RED HOT romance!”

What YOU Said: “I think for men, it does come down to loving their wife as Christ loves the church. And how is that? Sacrificially… When a man loves his wife sacrificially, he will find he receives so much respect from his wife that he can't help but grin from ear to ear.” -Ellys Helaine Blake

1. 5 Ways You are Ruining Your Child's Life

Key Quote: “Have you ever wondered if you are doing a terrible job as a parent?  We’ve probably all thought that at one time or another.  Parenting is a tough job; often times more art than science.  Yet the unpopular parenting decisions you make are most likely contributing to your child’s health, not their detriment.”

What YOU Said: “I raised my children by myself. I violated all of the above five rules. All of my children are successful and doing well.” -Clyde Garrett

Publication date: December 30, 2015