Powerpoint Daily Devotional from Jack Graham is a popular daily Bible devotion. Powerpoint Daily Devotional from pastor Jack Graham offers wisdom and insight for applying Biblical truths to the ups and downs of everyday life. PowerPoint Ministries is the radio and television broadcast ministry of Dr. Jack Graham in Plano, Texas. Dr. Graham is the pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church, one of the nation's largest, most dynamic congregations.Reading daily devotions provides strength and encouragement in your daily walk with Jesus Christ.

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<< PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Giving Away What’s Been Given to You - Powerpoint - May 3

Giving Away What’s Been Given to You

May 3

So, being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us.

1 Thessalonians 2:8

Awhile back, I heard a sermon from a pastor preaching on revival. He defined revival as “getting the roof off the church where God can come down.” I really like that definition, but there’s something else I’d also add. True revival is taking the roof off so God can come down, as well as taking the walls off so the people can go out.

I think what’s missing from many of teachings is how we’re supposed to respond to the truths we’ve received. People love hearing about God and what He’s done for them. But they very often lose interest when it comes to talking about the steps they need to take now that they’ve heard the truth.

It’s been said, “The Gospel has come to you because it’s on its way to someone else.” There’s so much truth in that statement because the message of Jesus Christ should never terminate with the receiver. Rather, it should prompt the receiver to action!

As you experience God in your life, let that experience translate into the action of taking the Gospel out. In Christ, you have eternal life. Share His message with others too!


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PowerPoint Ministries

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