PowerPoint - October 15, 2012


How to get a clear glimpse of God

October 15, 2012

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.

Colossians 1:15

It’s amazing the power a photograph can have, especially when you consider it’s little more than light cast on a film that’s developed into a picture. Yet when we look at photographs, our minds are taken back to the very day they were taken. We vividly remember what was happening and get to re-experience it.

I have many photographs from when I was growing up I love to pull out every now and then. And every time I look at them, I can hear my father’s laugh and my mother’s voice all over again. Those images have so much power!

When we read about the person of Jesus Christ, we have a photograph of God. That’s because when we look at Jesus—how He loved others, obeyed God, and gave Himself for us—we get a clear look at the heart of our heavenly Father.

But here’s how what we have is so much more powerful than a photograph: God is in us if we are in Christ. He’s given us the gift of His Spirit to lead and guide us all the days of our lives. So read the Scriptures and marvel at Jesus. When you do, know you’re getting a clear glimpse of your Father in heaven and the Holy Spirit inside you!


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Become the man God desires!

Dear Friend,

You might think Jesus’ disciples were so extraordinary that you can’t possibly relate to them today.

But the truth is Jesus chose ordinary men to be His disciples and change the world—proof that He uses ordinary guys to do extraordinary things!

That’s why I want to send you two powerful resources today to help you or the man in your life become the man God desires: my 8-CD series called Why Believe – The 12, and my book, Man of God: Study Guide Edition.

In Why Believe – The 12, I give you inspiration—and words of warning—from the lives and beliefs of the disciples to help you live every day with significance and purpose.

And in Man of God: Study Guide Edition, you’ll come to understand the four vital areas of a man’s life that make him who he is!

These two resources are my gift to thank youfor your donation to help PowerPoint Ministries continue proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ, so please request yours when you give today!

Jack Graham
PowerPoint Ministries