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Top 10 Family Articles of 2014

Top 10 Family Articles of 2014 continues to offer some of the most encouraging and insightful family content available on the Christian webspace. Featuring bestselling authors and witty bloggers, our family channels keep inspiring you to come back for more.

Here are the family features from 2014 that you clicked on the most! Enjoy the read.

10. Top 10 Relationship Killers by Debra Fileta (Marriage)

“The number one relationship stress for most couples has little to do with their relationship and much to do with the relationships they are surrounded by. The role of your parents, in-laws, siblings, and friends all shift the moment you say “I do,” because when you join together as one, you’ve chosen to put your spouse above all others. Too many marriages are struggling simply due to a lack of priorities, finding themselves pulled by everyone else in every which way, except toward each other. Healthy marriages learn to choose one another above all others.”

9. 5 Point Survival Guide for Your First Year of Marriage by Nick Vujicic (Marriage)

“Marriage and family are team sports. You need each other to survive and to keep the love alive. Team members take care of each other and look out for the welfare of everyone involved. They also divvy up responsibilities according to skill sets and capabilities. Everyone makes a contribution and everyone puts the needs of the team ahead of their own needs. Like many men, being married has taught me much about being on a team and accepting that the best way to get things done is to use the approach “We are all in this together.”

8. 6 Ways to Recover From Being a People Pleaser by Dr. David B. Hawkins (Marriage)

“Tragically, like many others, you weren’t taught that you were a precious child of God’s, One who knew you and loved you even while you were in your mother’s womb (Psalm 137). You weren’t taught how to keep yourself safe, or how to honor your feelings and thoughts. Instead, you survived by tuning into others and learning to be sensitive to feelings outside yourself.

Recovering from codependency is much harder than it first appears. If you’ve lived a long time silencing your own thoughts and feelings, bringing them back to life can be a difficult task. Honoring your individuality and authenticity can be a daunting prospect—but it is possible.”

7. 14 Things to Know Before You Cheat by Rod Arters (Marriage)

“You will get caught. It may not be today. It may not be tomorrow. But eventually your affair will come to light.  Your world will come crashing down on you. If you are fortunate, the story of your indiscretion may avoid the evening news or the front page of your local paper, but your circle of friends will know your deeds. And everyone likes to share juicy news. Your poor decision will become as public as a billboard. It’s not a matter of if but when. As Pastor Rick Warren tweeted recently, “If the Director of the CIA can’t hide and cover up an affair, no one can.” As the Chinese proverb goes, “If you don’t want anyone to know it, don’t do it.”

6. 6 Ways to Become More Attracted to Your Spouse by Dr. David B. Hawkins (Marriage)

“We all face the prospect of aging, getting wrinkles and comparing ourselves and our mate to younger, more attractive individuals. What can we do to maintain and even cultivate attraction for our mate?

Here are several ideas.”

5. When You're Praying for a Husband by Cindi McMenamin (Singles)

“In years past, I found myself telling women: ‘Seek God first and he’ll bring you a man.’ But I have also seen that sometimes that doesn’t necessarily happen. I know some of you have been seeking God for years. And you still have no man. So a husband is not a litmus test as to whether or not you are putting God first in your life. After all, look at all the godless women who have husbands….or have had several!! But I will say this: “Love Jesus with all your heart, soul and mind and tell him if he is all you ever have, that will be enough.” That does something to your heart — and to His. And when God becomes all we want, then we have all we want. When he becomes our First Love, we will be satisfied with only that love. When he becomes our all-in-all, we will have no need to look for anything or anyone else to complete us.”

4. 4 Lies Culture Tells us About Living Together Before Marriage by Felicia Alvarez (Singles)

“We need to think about this one carefully. The Bible speaks clearly on the topic of cohabitation. 'It’s God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality, that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the heathen who do not know God' (1 Thessalonians 4:3-4). If a guy expects you to move in with him, he is not respecting God or you and, therefore, isn’t worthy of your attention. A Christian man of integrity will neither expect nor request this of you; he will respect the Bible’s standards on sexual boundaries. So, if a guy won’t pursue a relationship with you because you refuse to move in with him, is he the guy you really want to be with?”

3. 10 Things Every Teenage Girl Needs to Know by Debra Fileta (Parenting)

“Let’s not beat around the bush– the teenage years are straight up difficult. It’s hard to navigate the right and wrongs, to think ahead, and to know what’s good for you. It’s hard to feel beautiful, valuable, and strong when you’re constantly comparing yourself to the world around you.

There are so many things I know now, that I wish I could have known then. Here are 10 things I wish every teenage girl could hear.”

2. 9 Most Dangerous Apps for Kids by Felicia Alvarez (Parenting)

“Sexual predators can target your children even when your child is in the room down the hall. And sexual predators aren’t the only problem. Cyber-bullying and exposures to sexually inappropriate content are additional concerns.

New apps are constantly being created, so it’s important to monitor what your child downloads. Being aware of the online tricks predators use will help you know what to look for. So here is a current list of some of the most dangerous apps.”

1. Don't Make These 3 Mistakes when Giving by Anne Peterson (Finances)

“Thankfulness is sometimes slippery.

Struggling to hold onto thankfulness, I wonder. Why do some people give away what they want to get rid of? How would they feel being on the receiving end? Didn’t Jesus say to give as if we were giving to him in Matthew 25:40?”

If you loved this list, give it a share! And stay tuned for all the great stuff Crosswalk has in store for 2015.

Publication date: January 6, 2014