Dr. Ray Pritchard Christian Blog and Commentary

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To Take Our Punishment

  • Dr. Ray Pritchard
    Dr. Ray Pritchard is the president of Keep Believing Ministries, an Internet-based ministry serving Christians in 225 countries. He is the author of 29 books, including Stealth Attack, Fire and Rain,… More
  • Published Nov 27, 2014

“But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).
“He was pierced” – as with a spear.
“He was crushed” – pulverized, broken, ground to pieces.
“Upon him was the chastisement”— beaten with a whip.
“By his wounds” – His body cut, bruised, his skin flayed.

People don’t always understood that our Lord Jesus died in terrible pain. Consider what happened between 1 AM when he was arrested and 3 PM when he died:

Arrested in the middle of the night.
Pushed around.
Slapped again.
Crowned with thorns that went into his scalp. 
Scourged with a large strap studded with bits of bone and stone and metal. 
His beard ripped out.
Beaten again and again.
Forced to carry his own cross.
Nails driven through his hands and feet.

Jesus did not fail in what he came to do.
He perfectly fulfilled the Father’s will.

As a result, we have peace with God. The word means wholeness, health, the absence of war, and safety. In a messed-up world filled with broken people and broken promises, we have peace through Christ that passes all human understanding.

We are healed. We are healed from our guilt, our hatred, our doubt, and healed from our shame. Through Christ broken people are put back together again.

He took our sin, bore our pain, and through his death on the cross, he healed us from the inside out so that we now live in peace.

My Lord, nothing I do will ever compare with what you have done for me. Help me to make my life one great “Thank you” in return. Amen.