How God is Conserving and Preserving You
There is a protector. He is the best-armed guard. Nothing can hit him, nothing can break him, nothing can make him tumble. He is not some military genius on some Sci-Fi movie. He is your God.
For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. Col. 3:3
We are hidden in greatness.
Have we considered this? If God is armor and we are impenetrable body, we reside under the very definition of - security.
When we realize that we are not only in Christ, but hidden in him, suddenly we feel protected from the crooks, calamities and complications approaching.
In Christ, we realize the wars are not ours to be won.
In Christ, we realize the movements are his to be made.
In Christ, we realize the inches of safety that lay over us are significant and profound.
In Christ, we are safe. Do you feel this way?
If not, what is holding you back?
I know what it is for me. I look left and right and panic and ponder, thinking, "What I will do?"
I see people that carry conflict. I see issues that carry big price tags. I see negativity that tells me I am about as sunk as a shark in the water. I see myself hitting problems. These things consume me.
They fill my mind. Protection doesn't consume me, destruction does.
Does it happen this way to you too?
When we believe that we are outside of God's heart, desires and plan, we suddenly believe we are on the firing line of enemy attack.
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Col. 3:2
There is a reason why this verse comes right before the truth we are "hidden in Christ."
To believe we are hidden in Christ, we must let our thoughts be hidden in spiritual things:
1. God's Word
2. Kingdom Come
3. To die is gain (Phil. 1:21)
4. Unbreakable Love
5. Determination to believe
As we get into that hidden place, we see that Christ is not hidden. We see he is alive and around us. We see we are contained and filled. We see our life as truly untouchable and unpenetrable.
Above, not below.
Heavenly, not earthly.
Spiritually, not fleshly.
Every minute of every day, we are hidden in Christ. Hidden in him, but apparent by him. Loved. Adored. Cherished. Guided. Assisted. Directed. Empowered. Engulfed. Imbibed with grace.
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Originally published June 09, 2016.