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3 Christian Messages from The Lego Batman Movie

  • Ryan Duncan blogspot for and Ryan Duncan, Entertainment and Culture editor
  • Updated Feb 22, 2017

I don’t think anyone ever doubted The Lego Batman Movie would be a success. When the Dark Knight first appeared in 2014’s The Lego Movie, he gave fans a performance they never knew they wanted. It only made sense that the loveable, brooding crime-fighter (expertly voiced by Arrested Development’s Will Arnett) would return for his own adventure in the universe of bricks. What perhaps did surprise viewers was the depth of the movie. Over at the Christian Post, Michael Foust noted how in-between the laughs and the inside jokes, The Lego Batman Movie contained a number of valuable lessons specifically aimed at Christian audiences.

You can read Foust’s insights below, along with several observations of my own,

Don’t Neglect the People Closest to You

One of the funnier plots in The Lego Batman movie is how the Joker feels neglected by Batman. They’ve been enemies for how many years? And he still doesn’t appreciate him?! The sentiment is apparently shared by other members of Batman’s rouges gallery, who ultimately team up after they conclude the daring crime-fighter is showing them the appreciation they’re due. This would be bad enough, but it turns out Batman has also been neglecting his friends as well.

It’s easy to take the people in our life for granted. As Christians, it’s vital we remember our Church communities are built on the fellowship of believers who support one another. Instead of retreating into your own world, remember that God designed us to live and learn together (Hebrews 10:24-25, Romans 12:4-5, Psalm 133:1).

A Self-Absorbed Life is a Miserable Life

“How is it possible to be a superhero and selfish, too? I'm not sure, but Batman fits the mold. Sure, he fights crime, but he also thinks too highly of himself.”

“‘If you want to be like Batman, take care of your abs,’ he tells kids.”

“Asked who his No. 1 enemy is, a jealous Batman answers quickly: ‘Superman’ — even though they're on the same side.

“Later in the film, we see a happy Superman laughing and dancing with friends and a confused Batman wondering why he wasn't invited to the party. Perhaps Superman should have invited him — that's another topic — but we must remind our kids what the Bible says about selfishness: ‘God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble’ (James 4:6)”

Being a Leader Means Becoming a Mentor

Some Christians are called by God to become leaders within their communities (Hebrews 13:7), but leadership has its share of pitfalls. One of the most common is when a leader tries to do everything themselves. Suddenly they must accomplish everything, oversee everything, and control every aspect of their mission. Typically, this kind of attitude leads to overextension and an eventual burnout. On top of this, a leader who doesn’t work with others will never reach their full potential.

In The Lego Batman Movie, Batman is outraged when he discovers the commissioner actually wants to work with the Caped Crusader to make Gotham a safer place. Similarly, a disgruntled Batman is forced to take on the sidekick Robin despite his years of fighting crime solo. It’s only later that Batman discovers he has a responsibility to teach and train these young individuals so they can carry on the mission when he can’t. If Christian leaders hope to spread the message of the gospel, they must also become mentors to the next generation of believers.

*Published 2/22/17