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Grossmont College Continues Discriminatory Speech Policy

  • Religion Today Religious persecution, missions, Christianity around the world
  • Published Jul 27, 2012

A community college in southern California agreed this week not to punish a student who was distributing Christian fliers on campus, but won't consider for at least six months revising a speech policy with double standards, WORLD News Service reports. Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District says free speech is limited on campus; students who want to promote events must apply for permission to distribute materials and make reservations for booths. In May, a Christian who had applied for permission to promote the National Day of Prayer was told she couldn't distribute fliers in front of the student center. Administrators then began formal disciplinary proceedings against her, even though non-Christian student groups had previously distributed fliers in the same place. The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) sent a letter to Grossmont, pointing out how its policy violated the First Amendment, prompting the school to back away from the disciplinary hearing.