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New York Times Editor Scolds Paper for Burying Libya Scandal

  • Religion Today Religious persecution, missions, Christianity around the world
  • Updated Oct 16, 2012

In response to criticism from The New York Times' public editor, Margaret Sullivan, about the paper's decision not to run its story about the Oct. 10 Libya congressional hearings on the front page, the Times' managing editor and executive editor explained that they didn't see "anything significantly new" in the "politicized" hearings and that's why they tucked coverage inside, reports. "I can't think of many journalistic subjects that are more important right now, or more deserving of aggressive reporting," Sullivan wrote on the Times website, adding that readers wrote to her "in dismay" about the apparent downplaying. The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal both gave the hearings prominent position above the fold on their front pages, while the Times put its story on page A3 and placed stories about Lance Armstrong and other topics on the front page.