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What the Church Can Do to Combat Domestic Abuse

  • Veronica Neffinger

    Veronica Neffinger wrote her first poem at age seven and went on to study English in college, focusing on 18th century literature. When she is not listening to baseball games, enjoying the…

  • Updated Aug 16, 2016

Domestic abuse is an issue that unfortunately often gets ignored within the church--the very place where victims ought to find help, according to

England’s Prime Minister Theresa May has acknowledged that domestic abuse is an issue that needs to be addressed. In the UK alone, two women per week die from domestic abuse situations.

Other shocking statistics found that on average, there are 35 assaults on a woman before the victim calls the police. In addition, a shocking one million women live in fear of domestic abuse and one in seven children experiences living in families where there is domestic abuse.

‘Domestic violence ruins lives and is completely unacceptable… It has been one of my top priorities,” stated May in 2014.

While the government may be taking steps to counter this epidemic, what is the church doing?

A few things that the church can do, according to Eryl Davies of Evangelical Magazine, is to prepare couples with a biblical view of marriage. Davies cautions against teaching couples that the husband is the “boss” within a marriage as this can lead to wrong views of what a husband’s Christian leadership should look like.

Secondly, churches shouldn’t be afraid to address this sensitive issue. Sermons and Bible studies should include teaching about healthy relationships.

Thirdly, Davies advises church leaders to be careful before advising a wife to submit to her husband, as she could be involved in a case of domestic abuse. Church leaders should also monitor a man who claims to be repenting from his sins of domestic abuse to see if he really has changed his behavior.


Publication date: August 16, 2016