Hospital Ad Rejected Because of Jesus

Ryan Duncan

A hospital ad mentioning Jesus has been rejected by ESPN as “Too Problematic”, according to recent statements made on the Breitbart website. The Cardinal Glennon Children’s Foundation, a Catholic medical center in the St. Louis area, has seen its commercial air on other networks without complaint and are frustrated by the refusal. In response, Breitbart has linked the commercial to their web page while examining the controversial segments in their article.            

“’At… Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center, we celebrate the birth of Jesus and the season of giving, bringing hope to the many children, parents, and families that we serve,’ an announcer says in the ad before mentioning that the hospital’s patients are “filled with hope” because they receive daily messages from the “treasure chest” beneath its ‘tree of hope.’ The ad concludes by asking viewers to ‘help us reveal God’s healing presence this Christmas. Send your message of hope at’” 

Conservative voices like FOX’s Bill O’Reilly and Doug Napier of the ADF believe this to be another example of the “War on Christmas”. During an interview, the two speculated as to why ESPN would choose to ostracize such a large portion of their audience, specifically over a commercial aimed at helping sick children. Currently, the hospital is investigating new outlets.

*Article Posted 12/12/2013